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RisingStars Pre-K

A Day At RisingStars

Cognitive Development

As our kids get ready to go to kindergarten we play games with simple rules to help with following directions and listening, manipulate complex puzzles for critical thinking, sort objects to learn number sense and classification skills, and do close reading activities to teach problem solving! We know our pre-k students come in all shapes and sizes, and are smart when given the chance so we make sure to meet them where they're at and help them grow accordingly! 

Language Development

Our pre-k students are quite the chatterboxes so we fuel all that energy into helping their language skills flourish. We encourage them to tell stories, recollect memories, express their emotions, and participate in conversations with their friends! We also guide them to dramatic play where they can role play and use finger puppets to make "plays"! Overall we keep out students engaged and help them build good foundations.

Math and Science

Like mentioned before the calendar is a big part of our circle time and it plays a huge role here too! Through changing the dates, they are able to identify number sequences and learn numbers. They also play matching activities such as matching the objects with the number card and bingo! Additionally, we use our counting skills to count toys, weigh toys with weighing scales, and measure the height of our friends with wooden blocks! These are just a few of the activities and resources we use to teach our kids the basic mathematical reasoning skills to help build a strong foundation

Social Development

We help our students flourish in group situations by helping them learn to balance independence and others. We teach them that its very important to take into consideration their own needs but also learn to be empathetic. Our students are encouraged to take their time, learn the value of sharing, make room for their friends on the carpet, and joining their friends during playtime according to their own comfort and needs!

Health and Safety

understanding the importance of being healthy and hygienic by Practicing daily healthy and hygienic routines such as washing hands at arrival, before and after meals, after bathroom use. covering nose and mouth with elbow when sneeze and wash hands after. wearing mouth and nose coverings except eating and sleeping during the global pandemic. Making healthy food choices. 

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